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General dental medicine


- Free examinations and consultations
- Endodontic treatment of teeth, safe and painless treatment with high and newest technology with endo motor: Profile System, Endo-Mate NSK and NSK Apex locator
- Filling teeth with high quality materials, best aesthetics
-Composite veneer – Bonding technique (high aesthetics with highest class of nano composites.
- Removal of soft and hard deposits (ultrasonic painless cleaning of calculus) polishing up to high brightness, air polishing of teeth for pigments removal
- Extraction (pulling out) of teeth
- Work with children, filling teeth, treatment of new permanent teeth, treatment and extraction of baby teeth
- Construction of silicone teeth braces (prosthesis) for prevention from bruxism (grinding of the teeth during sleep) and for home bleaching


Therapy of root canals, also known as endodontic therapy, is used when there is an infection of the dental pulp (nerve and blood supply of the tooth). During this the pulp is removed, the root canals are cleaned and enlarged, and are filled with permanent filling.

Why to use root canal therapy?
- If such therapy is not undertaken the infection can spread through the system of the root canals in the surrounding bone leading to swelling (abscess) and to an infection of the whole mouth, and in more difficult situations even to an infection of the whole face and neck.
- The best way is to keep the natural teeth as long as possible and as many as possible.
- This makes the endodontic therapy a better solution than pulling out teeth.

Our procedure in endodontic therapy:
- An anesthesia is used and the entire procedure becomes completely painless
- The infected pulp is removed
- With the assistance of the recording and apex locator the exact length of the root canal is determined
- Under a strict determined protocol, the cleaning, enlarging, and modeling of the root canals (mechanical and chemical) are executed.
- Depending on the diagnosis, one, two, or three visits are necessary to heal the canals.
- At the end of the treatment the canals are filled with permanent filling.